Daily class attendance is a must for general academic progress at SALS , as our instructional program is based on the fact that students will attend school on regular basis . Absence is only excused in case of serious illness, emergencies or sport competitions.
If your child is absent for more than 2 days , He or She should bring a note to the school’s student affairs explaining the reason for the absence.
In case of extended illness , A doctor’s note should be delivered to the school’s student affairs office and upon the child’s return He/She should be seen by the school’s doctor before entering the class.
Unjustified absence will affect student’s progress and grades will be deducted from years work
Tardiness to school or classes is unacceptable.
Students are expected to be on time always .
Tardy students between 7:45am and 8:00am will not be allowed to attend the morning lines.
After 3 repeated tardiness the student, will be asked to go back home. The student will be asked to stay at the student’s affairs office until his/her parents come ,So please don’t leave your children by the gate for their safety.
After 8:00am students will not be allowed in school.
Mentioned tardiness policy will be strictly applied after one week of the beginning of the school year.