In case your child will go home with you, you must inform the bus matron so the bus doesn’t wait.
Batmos company is responsible for the bus rounds. If you have any problems, regarding route or time contact to Mr.Mahrous.
Drivers are instructed not to wait for students and not to sound their horns to call them out. You must have your child ready and waiting in the street before the time the bus is expected to arrive.
You are responsible for meeting your child at the bus stop upon his/her arrival. If no one is waiting for the child, the child will be returned to school and parents will be contacted to pick him/her from the school.
Bus Conduct Expectation
Consequences of the bus Rules Violation
Students who refuse to follow the rules and regulations set by the administration will be reported to the head of department. Parents will be notified of the offending behavior and the student will be suspended from riding the bus, at first temporarily and if necessary permanently.
Expected Bus Behavior
Do not act in a disrespectful way or answer back the bus attendant and the bus driver.
Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not permitted on the bus unless there is a medical reason.
Student are to remain in their seats.
Students are to keep their hands and heads inside the bus.
Students are required to speak with a low tone.
Any problems with other students on the bus must be reported to bus attendant to deal with.
Any dangerous objects that must be brought to school for a project should be carried by the bus attendant for safety
Don’t speak in a way that teases, hurts or harasses others.
Use only appropriate language.
Do not act in a disrespectful way or answer back the bus attendant and the bus driver.
Do not hit, punch, kick or physically assault another student.
Do nothing to threaten the safety of others on or off the bus.
No throwing objects on the bus or outside the windows keep the bus clean.